COVID-19 and Election Data Analysis


I'd like to make it very clear, to any reader, that this anaylsis is just an observation of the data. This is not a political statement of any kind. This project used a lot a of useful methods. It is not intended to favor or besmirch any candidate, party, or political belief. I did this to see what we could infer from the data.

I started with a few innocuous questions after watching a short news segment that showed some polling results. If I recall correctly, it showed that 77% of republicans were apprehensive to get vaccinated. I thought this number was shockingly high.

Weeks later I saw an interview where former president Donald Trump advised people to get vaccinated—and also put some misinformation to rest pertaining to the vaccine itself. He was more direct in this interview than he had been in the past. This was a bit eyebrow raising based on the change of tune. This brought on a few questions for me—and I wanted to explore them by comparing 2020 election and COVID-19 data.

Why compare the 2020 election and COVID-19 data? One of the best analytic works on political behavior I've read was An Economic Theory of Democracy by Anthony Downs (1957). It's extremely dense but a good read. Essentially, his thesis was "parties formulate policies in order to win elections, rather than win elections in order to formulate policies". I'm not going to go into as much depth as Downs did—this is not a thesis. Although, I do pose a similar idea may be applied to what polititians do or say to influence constituent behavior—here said behaviour is vaccinating.

So, why would former president Donald Trump change his tune so drastically? Vaccinated people are very well protected from COVID-19. The ratio of vaccinated deaths to unvaccinated deaths are far in favor of the vaccinated (1). What is important here is the voting population. I've seen some reports that say up to 91% of democrats and 60% of republicans are vaccinated (2). We may infer that of the deaths from the voting population, most are republicans. I think this may contribute to an explanation of why former President Trump has changed the way he talks in public about the vaccine.

Resources for further reading:
(1) How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?
(2) NBC News poll shows demographic breakdown of the vaccinated in the U.S.

So, what I plan to do here is:
1. Scrape the data
--Election data from MIT
--Covid data from Johns Hopkins University
--Vaccination data from the US Center for Disease Control and Prevenetion

2. Wrangle the data so that I have compatible FIPS codes across all states and counties.

3. Look at some relationships between a varity of variables (with an emphasis on swing states)

Scrape and Wrangle:

Code Editor:

import pandas as pd 
import numpy as np 
from scipy import stats
#Pandas view settings
pd.options.display.max_columns = None
pd.options.display.max_rows = None
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', None)
pd.set_option('max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as pio
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
pio.renderers.default = "browser"

def make_color_scale():
    Function to make a color scale for a plot. 
    r = 255 ; g = 255 ; b = 255
    colorscale = []
    for i in range(20):
        color = 'rgb({}, {}, {})'.format(r, g, b)
        r -= 5
        g -= 5
        b -= 0
    return colorscale

def reverse(lst):
    Function to reverse a list. Intended for colorscale lists 
    if they need to be reversed. 
    return [ele for ele in reversed(lst)]

def get_data():
    This function scrapes the data. 
    Retrieve data from MIT Election Data and Science Lab
    This one I had from
    df_pres_elect_by_county_2020_raw = pd.read_csv(r'Path\To\File\df_pres_elect_by_county_2000_2020_raw.csv')
    Covid data from Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.
    These are cumulative sums over time. 
    tm_series_cov_con_cases_raw = pd.read_csv(r'')
    tm_series_cov_con_deaths_raw  = pd.read_csv(r'')
    Vaccine data from the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    df_vac_data_raw = pd.read_csv(r'Path\To\File\df_vac_data_raw.csv')
    return df_pres_elect_by_county_2020_raw, tm_series_cov_con_cases_raw, tm_series_cov_con_deaths_raw, df_vac_data_raw
df_pres_elect_by_county_2020_raw, tm_series_cov_con_cases_raw, tm_series_cov_con_deaths_raw, df_vac_data_raw = get_data()

def clean_covid_df(df):
    This function makes the format of the state and county data in the vaccine 
    data uniform with the other dataframes.
    df['FIPS'] = df['FIPS'].astype(str).replace('\.0', '', regex=True)
    #by this point fips is a str col
    df['FIPS'] = df['FIPS'].str.zfill(5)
    return df 
df_cov_cases = clean_covid_df(tm_series_cov_con_cases_raw)
df_cov_deaths = clean_covid_df(tm_series_cov_con_deaths_raw) 

def clean_cdc_vac(df):
    df = df.loc[df['Date']=='12/30/2021']
    return df
df_vaccine = clean_cdc_vac(df_vac_data_raw)

Isolate the election data we need from 2020.
def iso_elect(df):
    df = df.loc[df['year']==2020]
    df = df[['state', 'county_name', 'county_fips', 
             'candidate', 'candidatevotes', 'totalvotes']]
    df = df.loc[(df['candidate']=='DONALD J TRUMP')|
                (df['candidate']=='JOSEPH R BIDEN JR')]
    df.rename(columns={'county_fips':'FIPS'}, inplace=True)
    df['FIPS'] = df['FIPS'].astype(str).replace('\.0', '', regex=True)
    df['FIPS'] = df['FIPS'].str.zfill(5)
    #added a percentage of total votes column 
    df['pct_votes'] = (df['candidatevotes'] / df['totalvotes'])*100
    return df
df_pres = iso_elect(df_pres_elect_by_county_2020_raw)


By this point we have several dataframes that contain many variables. These dataframes have uniform FIPS columns. This tells us where the data is in the US. We can pull data from different dataframes to do specific things like; plots, descriptive statistics, or maybe inferential statistics.

What is most important here is the swing states. Although first let us look at 
all the states as a whole. 
def merge_pol_vac(pol_df, vac_df, cases_df, deaths_df):
    First I will merge the political data with vac_data by percent of 18 to 64 
    and 65plus, also the current cases and deaths to date. 
    vac_df = vac_df[['FIPS', 'Series_Complete_Pop_Pct']]
    cases_df = cases_df[['FIPS', '12/29/21']] #pulls totals over time from 12/29/21
    deaths_df = deaths_df[['FIPS', 'Population', '12/29/21']]
    pol_df = pol_df.merge(vac_df, on='FIPS')
    pol_df = pol_df.merge(cases_df, on='FIPS', suffixes=('_cases', '_deaths'))
    pol_df = pol_df.merge(deaths_df, on='FIPS', suffixes=('_cases', '_deaths'))
    pol_df['pct_votes'] = pol_df.groupby(['FIPS', 'county_name', 'candidate'])['pct_votes'].transform('sum')
    pol_df['tot_state_votes_for_can'] = pol_df.groupby(['state', 'candidate'])['candidatevotes'].transform('sum')
    pol_df['tot_deaths_by_state'] = pol_df.groupby(['state' ])['12/29/21_deaths'].transform('sum')
    return pol_df 
merged_pol_vac = merge_pol_vac(df_pres, df_vaccine, df_cov_cases, df_cov_deaths)

What I need now is cases and deaths per capita. So Here I will add that column. 
def add_per_cap(df):
    df['per_capita_deaths'] = df['12/29/21_deaths']/df['Population']*100000
    df['per_capita_cases'] = df['12/29/21_cases']/df['Population']*100000
    return df
merged_pol_vac = add_per_cap(merged_pol_vac)

Now let us isolate the swing states. 
def get_swing_states(df): 
    swing_states = ['ARIZONA', 'COLORADO', 
                    'FLORIDA', 'GEORGIA', 
                    'MICHIGAN', 'NEVADA', 
                    'NEW HAMPSHIRE', 'NORTH CAROLINA', 
                    'OHIO', 'PENNSYLVANIA', 'WISCONSIN']
    df = df.loc[df['state'].isin(swing_states)]
    df = df[['state', 'county_name', 'FIPS', 
             'candidate', 'pct_votes', 
             '12/29/21_cases', 'Population', 
             '12/29/21_deaths', 'per_capita_deaths',
             'per_capita_cases', 'tot_state_votes_for_can', 
             '12/29/21_deaths', 'tot_deaths_by_state']]
    return df 
df_sw = get_swing_states(merged_pol_vac)

So now we pull the swing states tot_state_votes_for_can and tot_deaths_by_state;
and compare by how much each candidate won or lost by. 
def get_victory_by(df):
    df = df[['state','candidate','tot_state_votes_for_can', 'tot_deaths_by_state']]
    temp1 = df.iloc[0::2, 2]
    temp2 = df.iloc[1::2, 2]
    d_wins = temp2.values - temp1.values
    b_wins = temp1.values - temp2.values
    result = [None]*(len(temp1)+len(temp2))
    result[::2] = b_wins
    result[1::2] = d_wins
    df.insert(4, 'win_loss_diff', result)
    return df
df_sw_vic = get_victory_by(df_sw)


Now we have a dataframe that looks like the below—along with several others.

Although there is still a lot of time before 2024. There is still a lot we don't know. We don't know any of the political affiliations of deaths reported nor if they are active voters. There is too much unknown to make a solid inference.

Although, if the numbers continue to rise and most of the voting age deaths are republican—it would seem that it would benifit Trump to tell his base to vaccinate.

#This data observers the entire statement

               state          candidate tot_deaths_by_state  win_loss_diff
140          ARIZONA  JOSEPH R BIDEN JR              144864        10457.0
143          ARIZONA     DONALD J TRUMP              144864       -10457.0
946         COLORADO  JOSEPH R BIDEN JR               20396       439745.0
947         COLORADO     DONALD J TRUMP               20396      -439745.0
1096         FLORIDA  JOSEPH R BIDEN JR               73946      -371686.0
1097         FLORIDA     DONALD J TRUMP               73946       371686.0
1230         GEORGIA  JOSEPH R BIDEN JR              241536        12670.0
1234         GEORGIA     DONALD J TRUMP              241536       -12670.0
3992        MICHIGAN  JOSEPH R BIDEN JR               57632       154188.0
3993        MICHIGAN     DONALD J TRUMP               57632      -154188.0
4726          NEVADA  JOSEPH R BIDEN JR               16812        33706.0
4727          NEVADA     DONALD J TRUMP               16812       -33706.0
4760   NEW HAMPSHIRE  JOSEPH R BIDEN JR                3858        59277.0
4761   NEW HAMPSHIRE     DONALD J TRUMP                3858       -59277.0
5012  NORTH CAROLINA  JOSEPH R BIDEN JR              154712       -74481.0
5016  NORTH CAROLINA     DONALD J TRUMP              154712        74481.0
5990    PENNSYLVANIA  JOSEPH R BIDEN JR               73008        80555.0
5991    PENNSYLVANIA     DONALD J TRUMP               73008       -80555.0
7898            OHIO  JOSEPH R BIDEN JR               57548      -475669.0
7899            OHIO     DONALD J TRUMP               57548       475669.0
9960       WISCONSIN  JOSEPH R BIDEN JR               22238        20608.0
9961       WISCONSIN     DONALD J TRUMP               22238       -20608.0


There are a few other things to look at. Like the relationship between counties that voted a majority for former president Trump or Biden and the percentage completed COVID-19 vaccinations for those counties.

How corrolated is vaccinated population with votes for Trump?
def lin_reg_cov_votes(df, candidate):
    A function to return a simple linear regression between 2 variables.
    data is defined in x and y assignment. 
    title = 'Correlation of Counties That Voted Greater than 50% for {} and Percent of Total Pop Vaccinated'.format(candidate)

    df = df.loc[(df['pct_votes']>50) & (df['candidate']==candidate)]
    x = df['pct_votes'].replace(0, df['pct_votes'].mean()) #df_ana.iloc[row_start:row_stop, column]
    y = df['Series_Complete_Pop_Pct'].replace(0, df['Series_Complete_Pop_Pct'].mean() )
    slope, intercept, r, p, stderr = stats.linregress(x, y)
    line = f'Regression line: y={intercept:.2f}+{slope:.2f}x, r={r:.2f}'
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10))
    ax.plot(x, y, linewidth=0, marker='o',
    ax.plot(x, intercept + slope * x, label=line)
    ax.legend(frameon=True, loc='upper left')
                  fontdict=None, loc='center', pad=None)
lin_reg_cov_votes(merged_pol_vac, 'DONALD J TRUMP')

Here is our output: Corr plot 01 We can see there is a slight negative correlation between vaccinations by percent of population and votes for Trump. It's a low correlation with a correlation coeficient -.44 but it is correlated.

I ran the same for counties where biden won 50% or more of the vote by county.

lin_reg_cov_votes(merged_pol_vac, 'JOSEPH R BIDEN JR')
Corr plot 01 Interestingly, there is no correlation between counties that voted a majority for Biden and vaccination by population percent. A correlation coefficient of .12 is negligable.

I also want to look at the relationship of cases and deaths per capita to the completed vaccine percent of population.

def lin_reg_cov_data(x_col, y_col): 
    A function to return a simple linear regression between 2 variables.
    data is defined in x and y assignment. 
    title='Corrolation between total vaccinated population and Deaths per Pop/100k'

    x = x_col.replace(0, x_col.mean()) #df_ana.iloc[row_start:row_stop, column]
    y = y_col.replace(0, y_col.mean())

    slope, intercept, r, p, stderr = stats.linregress(x, y)

    line = f'Regression line: y={intercept:.2f}+{slope:.2f}x, r={r:.2f}'

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,10))
    ax.plot(x, y, linewidth=0, marker='o',
    ax.plot(x, intercept + slope * x, label=line)
    ax.legend(frameon=True, loc='upper left')
                  fontdict=None, loc='center', pad=None)
Corr plot 01 This shows that deaths decrease as vaccination by population percent increases. Vaccination is not the only variable that influences deaths—although, it absolutly contibutes to saving lives.

So, here's what we see when we compare vaccine percent and cases.
Corr plot 01 Why is there no correlation between reported cases and vaccine percent of population? Because the vaccine isn't meant to keep you from getting COVID. It is meant to keep you from getting deathly sick when you catch COVID.

Another very interesting observation would be to look at the counties that voted for Trump and their deaths per100k population. We can visualize this with a map.

def plot_state_deaths_usa(df): 
    Pass a dataframe to plot data by county. 
    The column that houses county fips data must be named 'FIPS'
    fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2)
        'rgb(183, 195, 216 )',
        'rgb(183, 200, 200 )',
        'rgb(255, 225, 225)',
        'rgb(255, 165, 165)',
        'rgb(255, 150, 150)',
        'rgb(255, 135, 135)',
        'rgb(255, 105, 105)',
        'rgb(255, 75, 75)',
        'rgb(255, 45, 45)',
        'rgb(255, 15, 15)',
        'rgb(255, 5, 5)',
    endpts = list(np.linspace(100, 1000, len(colorscale)-1))
    fips = df.FIPS
    values = df.per_capita_deaths
    fig = ff.create_choropleth(fips=fips, values=values, 
                                legend_title='Covid Deaths/100K Pop by county:', 
                                county_outline={'color': 'rgb(135, 135, 135)', 'width': 0.5},
                                state_outline={'color': 'rgb(0,0,0,0)', 'width': 0.25},
    fig.layout.template = None

def plot_county_wins(df): 
    Pass a dataframe to plot data by county.
    The column that houses county fips data must be named 'FIPS'
    fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2)
    #endpts is for binning the data
                'rgb(200, 200, 255)',
                'rgb(255, 200, 200)',
                'rgb(255, 160, 160)',
                'rgb(255, 140, 140)',
                'rgb(255, 130, 130)',
                'rgb(255, 120, 120)',
                'rgb(255, 100, 100)',
                'rgb(255, 90, 90)',
                'rgb(255, 80, 80)',
                'rgb(255, 70, 70)',
                'rgb(255, 40, 40)',
                'rgb(255, 0, 0)',
    trump_data = df.loc[(df['candidate']=='DONALD J TRUMP')]
    endpts = list(np.linspace(50, 100, len(colorscale)-1))
    fips = trump_data.FIPS
    values = trump_data.pct_votes
    fig = ff.create_choropleth(fips=fips, values=values, 
                               legend_title='Percent of votes by county for DONALD J TRUMP:', 
                               county_outline={'color': 'rgb(135, 135, 135)', 
                                               'width': 0.5},
                               state_outline={'color': 'rgb(0,0,0,0)', 
                                              'width': 0.25},
    fig.layout.template = None
If you look at the output for the two plots next to each other you may notice that the reported deaths per capita are a majority higher down the Appalachian region starting in Pennsylvania and into the Bible belt—as are counties that voted a majority for Trump. Thus, per capita the counties that voted Republican seem to be suffering more deaths from COVID. I pose here that if more active voters who vote Republican are passing away from COVID more than Democrat voters—this may increase the risk of Republicans losing states. Specifically Georgia and North Carolina. This is particularly possible if most Democrats are vaccinated whilst most Republicans are not.

Corr plot 01 Corr plot 01